When job seekers decide that it’s time to update their resumes, they typically go straight to the old document they have saved and update it to reflect their latest work experience. Then they start the job application process. But, don’t we live in a digital world?
When you are updating your resume, be sure to update your digital profiles (especially LinkedIn) as well.
1. Switch out the objective statement to a professional summary. Be creative, don't just put in the same old content. Make this stand out.
Also under your name, I suggest including 3 keywords that describe you. These need to be searchable terms. So think like a hiring manager, what would they type into the search bar to find profiles, what search terms would you want your profile to show up under. 
Here is mine for example (Mind you I am not seeking for a new job, just keep an active profile)
2. Update your profile image to reflect the type of job you are going for. Ex: Are you aiming to work in a place that dresses business professional, then make sure you have a blazer on your image. A few additional tips: No cropped images (don't let someone's arm randomly be in the image), only you in the image, and aim for it to show as much as your face as possible, it should be truly a headshot, not a medium or full-length image. 
2. Bullet the results and contributions you made under each position under career history. Reflect on your college experience. Include clubs and activities -- you never know what a hiring manager may relate to you on. 
3. If you write a blog, articles, develop videos, etc -- share them. LinkedIn is your professional business portfolio online, so use it.

4. Remember don't share family vacation photos, food pics and keep the Buzzfeed articles to your Twitter and Facebook profiles. That content is great, but it has its place. Stick to industry related content and post content to show yourself as a thought leader in your industry, this helps you make more connections and strengthens your overall score within the LinkedIn algorithm. 

Have more questions on LinkedIn? Go to my homepage and send them to me via the Contact Form. Happy to help! 
A version of this article was originally posted on The Oklahoma 100.